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Annual General Meeting
Dear Underwater Hockey Australia Commission (UHA) Members:The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday February 2nd via an online meeting at 4pmAEST.The link will be provided to State Representatives and anyone wishing to Nominate for a position onthe committee.The link below is to the UHA AGM information on our website, this will be updated […]

New UHA logo
Congratulations go to the Newcastle Underwater Hockey club, Jason Beck, for being the winner of the new UHA logo competition. $1500 is coming their way to spend on UWH.
About Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey is a non-contact sport in which two teams compete to manoeuvre a puck across the bottom of a swimming pool into goals. The sport of Underwater Hockey is played across Australia and has a long history here (the first Australian Championships were held in 1975). Equipment Players wear a diving mask, fins and a snorkel for play. Safety gear includes ear protection usually in the form of a water polo cap, a mouthguard, and a glove. The stick coloured white or black to indicate the player's team. In tournament play, the colour of the stick and cap are randomly assigned to each … Read more...
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Australian 2020 Elite Teams
The Australian Elite teams that will contest the 2020 World Championships have been announced.
2020 World Champs: Oz team information pack
An information pack for players interested in 2020 Australian Elite teams is now available

To request to have events added to this calendar please email or configure an event and invite as an attendee. 2024 DecSat … [Read More...]