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Underwater Hockey Rules Course
Rules Course Quiz Part 3
Rules Course Quiz Part 3
Part 3
By whom and at what time may protests be lodged?
By any player at any time during the game
By the Captain within a certain time period after the game
By the Captain at any time during the game when play has been stopped by the Water Referee
By the Captain only after a goal is scored or at half time
When would a Water Referee judge that a penalty shot has concluded?
When a goal is scored
When the defender has stopped the puck from going into the goal and swum it past the 6m D.
When a foul has been committed
Any of the above
What penalty if any is awarded against a player who commits a major foul?
A 2 or 5 min time penalty against the player, and a free puck awarded to the opposing team
Dismissal for the remainder of the match
A caution if it is his/her first foul and an equal puck awarded
A caution if it is his/her first foul and a free puck awarded to the opposing team
When a free puck is awarded and possession is not taken within 5 seconds of the signal to start play, what action should the Water Referee take?
Signal a stop to play and award a free puck to the opposing team
Allow players from either team to take possession
Signal a stop to play and award an equal puck
Signal a stop to play and replay the free puck
Under what circumstances is an equal puck awarded?
When it is not clear who flicked a puck out of bounds
When the puck goes behind the goal
When two opposing players foul each other at the same time
All of the above
By whom, when and how, is play restarted when a free puck, equal puck or penalty shot is awarded?
The Chief Referee will sound the buzzer once the Water Referees are in position and have all signalled ready to start play
When the players are in position
When the Time Keeper is ready
When the Water Referees have placed the puck
Under what circumstances is a penalty shot awarded?
Awarded for any rule infringement
Awarded for any infringement within the 3m circle which prevents a likely goal being scored
Awarded for Minor or accidental foul, or for any other reason thought necessary
Deliberate major infringements, or repeated unsportsmanlike conduct
Under what circumstances is a free puck awarded?
When a player used a free arm to block another player from reaching the puck
When a subbing fault has occurred
When a breaking fault has occurred
All of the above