Dear Players,
As many of you will know the 2013 CMAS World Championships will be held in Eger, Hungary. This should be a fabulous competition and I know Columbia, South Africa, Great Britain, New Zealand, Argentina and Canada have already put in nominations. I have attached the information pack for you.
On behalf of UHA I need to know who is planning to nominate for selection. I know it is impossible to say for certain what you will be doing almost one year away but we need to have a reasonable idea of what teams we can commit to as we have to pay the deposit for accommodation by 30th Nov.
The aim is to field teams in the following divisions:
- U19 Women
- U19 Men
- U23 Men
- Elite Women
- Elite Men
- Women’s Masters
- Men’s Masters
The plan is for the Elite and Masters teams to leave Australia on 14th August, to start training on 16th August. The U19 and U23 teams will leave Australia on 17th August to start training on 19th August.
The accommodation I have tentatively booked is the Bulls Blood package which means we have transfers from Budapest to Eger and back, accommodation is five minutes walk from the pool, three meals per day, 3 1/2- 4 star and I have specified I want air conditioning.
Below I have done some rough costings. Please be aware they are dependent on currency fluctuations , possible changes in flight costs and do not include training camps
Please email me as soon as you can if you are going to try out or not (I am as keen to know from as many players as possible – both yes and no) on I definitely need to know by 1st November.
Sandra Milner
Australian Team Manager
Approximate costs
- U19 = $5800
- U23 = $5400
- Elites/Masters = $5530
Please email me for a full breakdown of costs.
Download the CMAS Hungary Information Pack (PDF 1.6MB)