Dear Underwater Hockey Australia Commission (UHA) Members:
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday February 2nd via an online meeting at 4pm
The link will be provided to State Representatives and anyone wishing to Nominate for a position on
the committee.
The link below is to the UHA AGM information on our website, this will be updated as information
becomes available including the agenda.
Underwater Hockey Australia Annual General Meeting
The current structure of the committee as per the current constitution is as follows:
Executive Director: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Nathan Whelan
Management Committee Member: Amar Sarmiento currently acting as coaching director
Management Committee Member: Craig McKenzie currently acting as records officer
Management Committee Member: Ben Stepkovich – Currently acting as TD
Management Committee Member: Sean Hartley – Currently acting as Development Director
We are currently seeking nominations for the role of Executive Director, Secretary, and 2
management committee positions currently held by Ben and Sean who are up for re-election.
Other associated members of the committee by appointment are:
Helen Canavan – Referee director
Kate Howard – MPIO Officer
Natasha Marquez- Communications Officer
This AGM we are seeking nominations for the following positions:
• Executive Director
• Secretary
• Management Committee Member 1
• Management Committee Member 2
It is expected that a Management Committee Member would take on a specific role:
For example:
Referee Director
Tournament Director
Director of Development:
All position descriptions are available here.
Please note that this is just to create the management committee of UHA and once this is done
additional positions can be appointed by the committee to increase the functionality of the
Currently these positions include but are not limited to:
- MPIO Officer
- Referee Director
- Communications Officer
We really want to increase the capacity of the UHA Committee so if you have a strength or passion
for a particular part of the sport please apply to be on the committee.
All applicants should use this application form.
If you have any questions in regards to the AGM then please email me directly using my details
below or call to discuss any matters.
Yours in Underwater Hockey,
Nathan Whelan
Underwater Hockey Australia
Australian Underwater Federation
Ph: 0409147420