Registrations open for Australian Fin Swimming Championships

Freediver underwater diving with monofin during freediving competition in London UK

The 2013 Fin Swimming Championships will be held in Sydney on the 7th and 8th of September 2013.

Underwater Hockey, Spearfishing, and Scuba AUF members are invited to participate.

Events include: Mono fin and Duo fin events as well as 100m, 400m and 800m SCUBA events.

There is also a suggestion of putting up a sports trophy for the winning sport.

The event offers a good opportunity to test speed and breath hold events.

Winners of events will receive medals and will be eligible to set/break records.

Expressions of interest would be appreciated by June 30th. Entry forms must be returned by 7 August 2013.

For more information please contact the Ozfin President Helen Lane.

Fin Swimming Championships 2012

Quick on a break away? Test yourself against Australia’s best Fin Swimmers.

Fin Swimming lends itself to Underwater Hockey very readily. Many of the best Underwater Hockey players started off as fin swimmers.

OzFin Australia is calling for participants from Underwater Hockey to compete in the upcoming Australian Fin Swimming Championships in Sydney.

Events include:

  • 50m surface and breathhold
  • 100m surface and Scuba
  • 200m surface
  • 400m surface and Scuba
  • 800m surface and Scuba
  • 1500m surface
  • See entry form for complete listing

Australian Fin Swimming Championships 2012

8-9 September 2012
Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre
Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127

Rules of Competition

  • CMAS rules will apply (except some in water starts will be allowed for Masters competitors and those with disabilities)
  • One (1) start only
  • Separate Awards and records will be issued for Mono and Duo events.
  • Competitors entering an event using a Monofin, cannot enter the same event using Duo Fins (bi fins).
  • Where entries are less than four (4) for an event, the men’s and women’s events may be combined or where there is an event for separate Mono and Duo these may be combined but individual awards and records will be taken into account.
  • Age records will apply and results will include best in each age group, although medals will be presented as open medals.
  • Entrants in the scuba events MUST be able to show proof of scuba certification to the minimum CMAS standard of open water diver.

Competition Entry Fee

  • $50 per person*

* Contact organiser for family rate

Ozfin Membership (includes AUF)

  • Senior: $55
  • Junior: $35

Membership to be paid using AUF webpage. International competitors must have CMAS affiliated membership.

Entry Forms

Entry forms must be returned by 7 August 2012. Late entries will be considered if there are spare lanes available.

Forms should be returned to:

Cheques payable to: Matt Edmunds
Transfers payable to: Matt Edmunds, ANZ, 013-412 551 289 218